List DSL

The Models list DSL is used to customise the model index that is generated for each model. The list DSL has quite a few options, as the model index is highly customizable.

list should be an object, containing the following top-level keys:

  • actions
  • export
  • fields
  • filters
  • groupActions
  • help
  • paging
  • recordActions
  • showSummary
  • sortBy
  • toolbarItems

These allow you to describe how the model index should function.


list.actions should be an Array of Objects. Each object describes an action that a user can make, at the model level. Each action should be an Object with the following keys:

  • label is the name of the action.
  • action is the last portion of a URL, which is used to perform the action.
  • modal optionally render the results in a modal view.

For example:

actions: [
    label: 'Import people',
    action: 'import-from-csv',
    modal: true

This will generate a button, on the model index, next to the model label. Multiple actions will produce a button titled Actions with a drop-down list attached to it, containing all possible actions.

The evaluated string /{linz-admin-path}/model/{model-name}/action/{action.action} will be prefixed to the value provided for action to generate a URL, for example /admin/model/person/import-from-csv. It is the developers responsibility to mount the GET route using Express, and respond to it accordingly.

The actions will be rendered in the order they’re provided.

If using a modal, make sure the HTML returned from the route starts with <div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"></div></div>.


list.export is used to denote that a particular model is exportable. Linz takes care of the exporting for you, unless you want to provide a custom action to handle it yourself.

When a user clicks on an export, they’ll be provided a pop-up modal asking them to choose and order the fields they’d like to export.

list.export should be an Array of Objects. Each object describes an export option, for example:

export: [
    label: 'Choose fields to export',
    inclusions: 'dateModified,dateCreated',
    dateFormat: linz.get('date format'),
    useLocalTime: false,
    modal: false,

Each object should contain the following keys:

  • label which is the name of the export.
  • inclusions which is a list of fields that can be exported.
  • dateFormat which allows you to format the exported dates using moment date formats. (Defaults to false)
  • useLocalTime which allows you to export date fields in the browsers timezone offset.
  • modal optionally render the results in a modal view.

If you’d like to provide your own export route, you can. Replace the inclusions key with an action key that works the same as list.actions. Rather than a modal, a request to that route will be made. You’re responsible for mounting a GET route in Express to respond to it.


list.fields is used to customize the fields that appear in the listing on the model index.

list.fields should be an Object, keyed by each field in your model. The value for each key should be true to include the field or false to exclude the field. For example:

fields: {
  name: true,
  username: true

Linz will convert the above into the following:

fields: {
  name: {
    label: 'Name',
    renderer: linz.formtools.cellRenderers.default
  username: {
    label: 'Username',
    renderer: linz.formtools.cellRenderers.default

If you like, you can pass an object rather than the boolean. This also allows you to customize the cell renderer used to display the data within the column.

If you provide a label, it will override what is defined in the Models label DSL.

The fields will be rendered in the order they’re provided.


list.filters can be used to include filters which will alter the data included in the dataset for a particular model. Filters can contain a custom user interface, but Linz comes with a standard set of filters.

list.filters should be an object, keyed by each field in your model. Each object must contain a filter, which should be an object adhering to the Linz model filter DSL. For example:

filters: {
  dateModified: {
    alwaysOn: true,
    filter: linz.formtools.filters.dateRange,

The above will allow your model to be filtered by a date range filter, on the dateModified property.

Each filter, keyed by the field name, can have the following keys:

  • alwaysOn will ensure that the filter is always rendered in the list view.
  • default allows you to provide a default value for the filter. It only takes affect when using alwaysOn.
  • filter this is optional, but allows you to specify a filter and should point to a Linz filter, or your own custom one.
  • once will ensure that a user can only add that filter once (works well with the boolean filter).


Be aware of the default values. Because of Linz’s internal query structure most filters will need to provide the default value as an array, but there are some exceptions.

Below is an example of the default data type for each filter:

  • dateRange: { dateFrom: [ '2017-10-15' ], dateTo: [ '2017-10-28' ] }
  • date: ['2017-10-01']
  • boolean: true
  • default, fulltext, list: ['string']
  • number: [4]

See also

View the complete list of Linz filters.


list.groupActions can be used to define certain actions that are only available once a subset of data has been chosen.

Each record displayed on a model index has a checkbox, checking two or more records creates a group. If groupActions have been defined for that model, those actions will become choosable by the user.

list.groupActions should be an Array of Objects. Each object describes an action that a user can make, and the object takes on the same form as those described in list.actions.

You’re responsible for mounting a GET route in Express to respond to it.

The key can be used to provide information for a particular model. The information will appear in a Bootstrap popover.

The key accepts either false, or a Bootstrap popovers options object.


list.paging can be used to customise the paging controls for the model index. Paging controls will only be shown when the number of results for a model index, are greater than the per page total.

list.paging should be an Object, with the following keys:

  • active is an optional Boolean used to turn paging on or off. It defaults to true.
  • size is the default page size. It defaults to 20.
  • sizes is an Array of the page sizes available for a user to choose from on the model index. It defaults to [20, 50, 100, 200].

For example:

paging: {
  active: true,
  size: 50,
  sizes: [50, 100, 150, 200]

If you don’t provide a paging object it defaults to:

paging: {
  active: true,
  size: 20,
  sizes: [20, 500, 100, 200]


list.recordActions can be used to customise record specific actions. These are actions that act upon a specific model record. The actions appear as buttons for each record in a model list. The buttons can either appear in a drop-down list, or next to the edit and delete buttons for the record.

list.recordActions should be an Array of Objects. Each object describes an action that a user can make, specific to the record, and the object takes on the same form as those described in list.actions.

list.recordActions can have an optional key type and when set to primary, the action will be renderered next to the edit and delete buttons for the record (i.e. not within the dropdown). You can also supply a key icon, which if supplied, will be used rather than a label for the button. The value for icon should correspond with name of a Bootstrap glyphicon.

list.recordActions can also accept a function, as the value to a disabled property. If provided, the function will be excuted with the following signature disabled (record, callback). The callback has the following signature callback (error, isDisabled, message). isDisabled should be a boolean. true to disable the record action, false to enable it and you can provide a message if the action is to be disabled.

You’re responsible for mounting a GET route in Express to respond to it.


list.showSummary can be used to include or exclude the paging controls from a model index.

list.showSummary expects a boolean. Truthy/falsy values will also be interpreted, for example:

showSummary: true


list.sortBy is used to customise the sort field(s) which the data in the model index will be retrieved with.

list.sortBy should be Array of field names or objects. If using an object, the field property is required for example:

sortBy: [
    defaultOrder: 'asc',
    field: 'dateModified',
    label: 'Date modified',

This Array will be used to populate a drop-down list on the model index. The user can choose an option from the drop-down to sort the list with.

The defaultOrder property is used to set the default ordering of the sort. You may want to change it to desc when you want the latest records first.


list.toolbarItems can be used to provide completely customised content on the toolbar of a model index. The toolbar on the model index sits directly to the right of the Model label, and includes action buttons and drop-downs.

list.toolbarItems should be an Array of Objects. Each object should provide a render key with the value of a Function. The function will be executed to retrieve HTML to be placed within the toolbar. The function will be provided the request req, the response object res and callback function which should be executed with the HTML. The callback function has the signature callback(err, html) For example:

toolbarItems: [
    renderer: function (req, res, cb) {

      let locals = {};
      return cb(null, templates.render('toolbarItems', locals));
