
One of the primary reasons to use Linz is to ease model development and scaffold highly customizable interfaces for managing these models. Linz provides a simple DSL you can use to describe your model. Using the content of your DSL, Linz will scaffold an index, overview, edit handlers and provide a basic CRUD HTTP API for your model.

All Linz models are bootstrapped with two properties (created by Linz):

  • dateCreated with a label of Date created.
  • dateModified with a label of Date modified.


Linz will display your models in a list. The label used for each record is derived from the title field, or a virtual title field if one does not exist in your schema.

If your model has a title field, you don’t have to do anything. If your model doesn’t have a title field, you can tell Linz about another field in the schema that you would like used to derive a value and label for each record. The title is the default way to reference a record within Linz.

You create Models in the model directory; one file per model. The file should have the following basic structure:


var linz = require('linz');

// Create a new mongoose schema.
var personSchema = new linz.mongoose.Schema({
  name:  String,
  email: String

// Add the Linz formtools plugin.
personSchema.plugin(linz.formtools.plugins.document, {
  model: {
    label: 'Person',
    description: 'A person.',
    title: 'name'
  labels: {
    name: 'Name',
    email: 'Email'
  list: {
    fields: {
      name: true,
      email: true
  form: {
    name: {
      fieldset: 'Details',
      helpText: 'The users full name.'
    email: {
      fieldset: 'Details'
  overview: {
    body: {
      fields: [

var person = module.exports = linz.mongoose.model('person', personSchema);

The file is broken down in the following parts:

  • You require Linz, as you’ll need to register the model with Linz.
  • Create a standard Mongoose schema.
  • Use the linz.formtools.plugins.document Mongoose plugin to register the model with Linz, passing in an object containing Linz’s model DSL.
  • Create a Mongoose model from the schema, and export it.

Mongoose schemas

Linz works directly with Mongoose schemas. Anything you can do with a Mongoose schema is acceptable to Linz.

Model DSL

Linz uses a Model DSL, which is an object that can be used to describe your model. Linz will use this information to scaffold user interfaces for you. The Model DSL contains six main parts:

  • model contains basic information such as the title field, label and description of the model.
  • labels contains human friendly versions of your model’s properties, keyed by the property name.
  • list contains information used to scaffold the list displaying model records.
  • form contains information used to scaffold the edit handler for a model record.
  • overview contains information used to scaffold the overview for a model record.
  • fields contains directives to enable/disable fields that Linz automatically adds to models.
  • permissions is a function used to limit access to a model.

You supply the DSL to Linz in the form of an object, to the linz.formtools.plugins.document Mongoose plugin:

personSchema.plugin(linz.formtools.plugins.document, {
  model: {
    // ...
  labels: {
    // ...
  list: {
    // ...
  form: {
    // ...
  overview: {
    // ...
  fields: {
    // ...
  permissions: function () {

Models model DSL

The model keys value should be an object with three keys:

  • title is required, unless you have a title field in your schema. If not, you should reference another field in your schema. This field will be used to derive the title for the record, and label for the field.
  • label should be a singular noun describing the model.
  • description should be a short sentence describing the noun.

The label is used in many places and is automatically pluralized based on the usage context. The description is only used on the Models index within Linz.

For example:

model: {
  label: 'Person',
  description: 'A person.',
  title: 'name'

Models label DSL

The label DSL is used to provide a label and description for the model.

The labels keys value should be an object, keyed by field names and strings of the human friendly versions of your field names.

For example:

labels: {
  name: 'Name',
  email: 'Email'

You can customize the labels for the default dateModified and dateCreated using this object. You can also supply the key title with a value that should be used for the label of the record’s title.

Models list DSL

The list DSL is used to customize the model index that is generated for each model.

The list keys value should be an Object, containing the following top-level keys:

  • actions
  • fields
  • sortBy
  • toolbarItems
  • showSummary
  • filters
  • paging
  • groupActions
  • recordActions
  • export

These allow you to describe how the model index should function. The list DSL is discussed in more detail in List DSL.

Models list DSL function

The list keys value can also be a function. It should be a function with the following signature:

function listDSL (req, callback) {

For example:

  list: (req, callback) => callback(null, {
    fields: {...}

The function receives a HTTP request object, which provides lots of flexibility to alter the DSL object returned based on the user making the request, and the model record itself.

Models form DSL

The form DSL is used to customize the model record create and edit pages.

The form keys value should be an Object, keyed by field names of the model, in the order you’d like each field’s edit control rendered. For example:

form: {
  name: {
    fieldset: 'Details',
    helpText: 'The users full name.'
  email: {
    fieldset: 'Details'

This will generate a form with two fields that you can provide data for. Both fields will appear in the Details fieldset, in the order name and then email.

Each field object can contain the following keys:

  • label
  • placeholder
  • helpText
  • type
  • default
  • list
  • visible
  • disabled
  • fieldset
  • widget
  • required
  • query
  • transform
  • transpose
  • schema
  • relationship

These allow you to describe how the create and edit forms should function. The form DSL is discussed in more detail in Form DSL.

Models form DSL function

The form keys value can also be a function. It should be a function with the following signature:

function formDSL (req, callback) {

For example:

  form: (req, callback) => callback(null, {
    name: {...}

The function receives a HTTP request object, which provides lots of flexibility to alter the DSL object returned based on the user making the request, and the model record itself.

Model permissions

Model permissions is an in-depth topic and should be considered amongst other permission capabilities. Read more about Permissions.

Model statics, virtuals and methods

When working with models, Linz makes use of specific Mongoose statics, virtuals and methods if they’ve been provided.

The following documents them, and their functionality.

listQuery static

You can create a Mongoose static called listQuery for a model with the following signature:

function listQuery (req, query, callback)

If found, Linz will execute this function with req and a Mongoose query before executing it, when retrieving data for the model list view. This provides an opportunity to customise the query before execution.

For example, if you’d like to return more fields from MongoDB than those listed in list.fields you can do it here:

model.static.listQuery = (req, query, callback) => callback(null,'anotherField anotherOne'));

canDelete method

You can create a Mongoose method called canDelete for a model, with the following signature:

function canDelete (req, callback)

If found, Linz will execute this function before rendering the Model index page. This provides an opportunity to customise the delete record action. Because it is a Mongoose method, inside the function this is scoped to the record itself.

The callback has the following signature callback (err, isEnabled, message). isEnabled should be a boolean; true to enable the delete action, false to disable it. If it is disabled, you can use message to provide a message that will be displayed to the user if they click on the delete button.

canEdit method

You can create a Mongoose method called canEdit for a model, with the following signature:

function canEdit (req, callback)

If found, Linz will execute this function before rendering the Model index page. This provides an opportunity to customise the edit record action. Because it is a Mongoose method, inside the function this is scoped to the record itself.

The callback has the following signature callback (err, isEnabled, message). isEnabled should be a boolean; true to enable the edit action, false to disable it. If it is disabled, you can use message to provide a message that will be displayed to the user if they click on the edit button.