
Linz provides the ability to pop up notifications, into a Noty message.

It works well when paired with model, group, overview and record actions that perform a task, and then redirect back to the original page.

When using Linz notifications in this manner, you must make use of connect-flash like so:

// Perform task.

// Create the notification.
req.flash('linz-notification', linz.api.view.notification({ text: 'Notification message', type: 'success' }));

// Redirect the user back.
return res.redirect('back');

When the page is rendered, a notification will appear, informing the user that the action they took was successful.


There are two APIs for using notifications:

  • req.linz.notifications
  • req.flash


Before rendering a page, at some point in the route execution middlware, you can populate the req.linz.notifications array with any Noty objects you’d like to be shown. For example:

app.use('/url', (req, res, next) => {

  req.linz.notifications.push(linz.api.views.notification({ text: 'A message here.' }));

  return next();


Once the page is rendered, Linz will pick up on this notification and display it for the user.


As described above, using the req.flash API for notifications is a handy way to provide the user information about the state of the action they’ve just performed. However, it should always be used in conjunction with res.redirect('back').

To use this API, use req.flash like so:

req.flash('linz-notification', linz.api.views.notification({ text: 'Message here.' }));

The first parameter passed to req.flash must be the string 'linz-notification', otherwise Linz will ignore it. The second parameter passed must be a Noty options object. Linz provides a handy API (views.notification(noty)) defaulting some of the options.